What to expect

If this is your first time seeing a hypnotherapist, rest assured, you’re in good hands. My approach is gentle and I will meet you wherever you are in your journey.

Each session is completely confidential.

What’s Involved

During our sessions, I will help you to clearly identify and better understand the things that are holding you back in life, where they originate from and how they stop you from achieving your goals. I will then help you to address them at their deepest level for long-lasting change.

Hypnosis is a very gentle, relaxing process. At the beginning of each hypnotic session, I will guide you into deep, comfortable relaxation so that you are able to move into a state of mind where you can bypass the critical conscious mind and access the subconscious. While in this more responsive state, I will guide exploration into your subconsciously-held memories if necessary, and offer you your own empowered suggestions and affirmations to propel you toward the outcomes you desire. You will only receive the suggestions we have collaboratively written before the hypnotic session.

I will send you home with a recording of your personalised hypnotic sessions to listen to every day. As you listen to them over and over, you will find yourself embracing the new suggestions you’ve created for yourself and feeling that they are true for you. Repetition is the most important part of this process, as it facilitates the creation of new neural pathways in your brain, making your desired thoughts, feelings and behaviours your ‘default’. Think of it as a mental workout – the more you train, the stronger the muscle will get!

You will be in control throughout treatment with me, including in the hypnotic sessions. You will be aware of what I’m saying, however, you will be so relaxed, that you will allow the information to hold.


15 minute phone consultation

This gives us a chance to make sure I’m the right fit for you before getting started with sessions. It’s your chance to ask me any questions you have, and my chance to get an idea of how I can help you.



Our first session together will be an hour and a half in length, during which we will collaboratively explore the issue or topic you’re presenting with and clearly define the goals and outcomes you would like to achieve. You will receive an initial hypnotherapy session to begin the change process. You will receive a recording of this session to listen to at home. The more you listen, the more effective it will be.


Later sessions

Sessions after the initial appointment will be one hour in length. I will provide you with a treatment plan, which will outline carefully selected sessions to address your specific topic or issue, each involving a hypnotherapeutic component. We will work to ensure your new skills, qualities and behaviours are deeply embedded and strengthen your ability to move forward in a more empowered way.

Free 15 minute phone consultation

I offer a FREE 15-minute phone consultation. This lets me get an idea of what you’re seeking support for and gives you the chance to see whether I am the right person for you. It is my highest priority to offer you a safe, confidential and compassionate space.

Video or in-person sessions are available. My techniques and methods work just as powerfully online as they do in-person.


Asked Questions

Many people don’t know a great deal about hypnotherapy and, as a result, can feel a bit unsure. Below you’ll find answers to some questions that people often ask. If you have any others, please feel free to get in touch with me and I can explain anything else you’d like to know.

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What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of relaxation, during which there is an altered state of conscious awareness (a high degree of focussed attention) and heightened suggestibility. During hypnosis the mind relaxes, lowers its guard by minimising interference from the critical, judgmental conscious mind and the hypnotherapist is able to communicate directly with the subconscious mind. 

The subconscious is the storehouse of a person’s total experiences; where the memory of everything that ever happened to a person is stored. During hypnosis long forgotten incidents, which are still affecting a person without them knowing, can be brought back into consciousness allowing the presenting symptoms to subside or disappear.

In the case of medical or mental issues, treating ailments with medications aims to provide relief from the symptoms. What sets hypnotherapy apart is that it can locate the exact cause of the presenting symptoms instead of simply treating the symptoms themselves.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy works by lowering our brain wave state in order to allow our subconscious mind to explore how past experiences are still affecting us and to receive suggestions for change. It is a very natural state of mind. We actually go into an alpha brain wave state when we are doing a repetitive action that we really don’t need to concentrate on. For example, if you have ever been driving and find you have reached your destination without remembering how you got there, or been so engrossed in a book that you forgot you were reading, you have been in this state of mind. Theta is a deeper state, and is the state we are in right before drifting off to sleep at night. During these times, our mind is much more responsive to suggestion.

Why are hypnotic suggestions so effective?

The reason for hypnotic suggestions being so much more successful than suggestions made in the waking state is that the subconscious mind has no critical faculty and will accept benevolent suggestions made by the hypnotherapist and control the body accordingly. For example, if you were told in everyday waking life that you’ll find it easy to stick to your diet, your conscious, critical mind will probably have you thinking ‘no I won’t, I’ll get hungry!’ and you’ll reject the suggestion. However, when the subconscious mind is told the same suggestion, most clients are truly amazed at the ease with which they are subsequently able to diet.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Yes, everybody is capable of falling into a hypnotic trance state (except those who are mentally disabled or under the influence of drugs). In fact we all pass through a state very similar to, if not the same as trance when we fall asleep or wake up (a twilight state). However, hypnosis requires participation, so the ease at which a person falls into hypnosis and the depth they reach depends largely on their level of consent and participation.

Am I ever out of control in hypnosis?

No. You are never out of control during a hypnotherapy session. The only suggestions you will receive will be those we have discussed and agreed to prior to hypnosis. You cannot be made to do anything against your will or personal nature and, in fact, you would be shocked out of the hypnotic state immediately if any such action was suggested to you. The hypnotised person is fully aware of everything happening and is able to leave the hypnotic state at any time should they so wish. You may drift into a deeper state during the session work, and that is fine. You will be very relaxed and comfortable at all times.

Generally you will be aware throughout the hypnotic session. Most people come out of a session remembering everything that happened, but feeling very relaxed and rested.

Is hypnosis safe?

Yes. There is no cause whatsoever for concern; hypnosis is a proven therapeutic aid. Modern therapeutic hypnosis is one of the most effective, quickest and safest forms of treatment for the majority of psychological disturbances and emotional problems. Hypnotic treatment is completely safe, and you will find it a very relaxing and pleasant experience. You do not lose consciousness or in any way lose control. The extreme relaxation can lead some people to fall asleep, which is just fine as your mind will keep listening to my voice.

How many sessions would I need?

Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy sessions are very individualised. Many mild challenges that can be addressed through suggestion therapy can be addressed effectively in as few as three sessions. More deep-rooted issues require analytical therapy and analysis, which typically extends beyond three sessions. Treatment will not surpass twelve sessions for any single issue or topic.

During the first or second session, you will be presented with a treatment plan, which will offer a rough guide to the treatment I’m suggesting. The number of sessions required will depend on the progress made throughout treatment and may be adjusted along the way.

Sometimes the number of visits required can be reduced through the use of hypnotic recordings. With many problems and topics, I will provide a recording of the session to be listened to outside of our appointments, to supplement the consultations.

Is hypno-psychotherapy a quick fix?

Hypnosis does not provide miracle cures, although it is a quick and efficient method of dealing with many problems. Some problems can be helped in only a couple of sessions, but multiple sessions are often required to address deep-seated issues and really cement in the changes. 

As with most things in life, you get out what you put in. Although the hypnotic session works by bringing you to a very relaxed state, treatment does require your involvement and participation in both the conscious discussions and the trance sessions. You will be given recordings to listen to at home and invited to continue reflecting on the topic and the work we do together outside of the sessions. 

Do you offer remote sessions?

Yes, remote sessions are available for anyone who would prefer to do their hypnotherapy sessions in the privacy of their own home. Remote sessions are safe, effective and confidential. You must have a computer with reliable internet connection, headphones, a microphone, and access to a quiet, private room with comfortable chair and/or bed during the session. A recliner is usually ideal, but not necessary.